Our Approach to Sustainability
Our purpose is to empower people, communities and businesses by responsibly trading traditional, transitional and renewable energy. As a global energy company, our commitment to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) principles is ingrained into everything we do. Our ESG framework is set out in our Company Profile as our response to the ESG issues we have identified that could have the most material impact on our business, and those where our business may have most impact on the world. We aim to promote social and economic growth while advancing the energy transition, contributing to a sustainable future and creating long term value for all our stakeholders.
Sustainability Framework
Our ESG Pillars
Our sustainability framework is based around four pillars: Environment, Social, Governance and Health & Safety.
This pillar covers our approach to combatting climate change by reducing our operational emissions and facilitating the adoption of lower carbon and transitional energy products by our customers. It also guides our efforts to reduce our impact on the natural environment through strong environmental protection policies.
As a first step in 2024 we have published our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and will use this as a baseline as we develop plans to reduce our own emissions while continuing to offer our customers lower carbon and transitional energy solutions.
BB Energy’s goal is to invest 25 percent of our capital expenditure into renewables, transitional, and emission reduction projects. In the years 2021 to 2023, we exceeded this target with 75 percent of capital expenditure invested in renewable and transitional projects.
We are committed to providing meaningful employment opportunities and promoting the social and economic development of the communities we serve.
Over and above the value we create through our business activities we contribute to communities through our corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and our investment in the BB Energy Foundation.
As part of our CSR commitment to support communities, in collaboration with the Balama Graphite Mine, we delivered three hybrid 2.4 kW solar and 9.6 kWh battery systems across three schools in Mozambique.
Our Carbon Trading desk also contributes to communities by financing and managing environmental initiatives which promote economic growth and reduce carbon emissions, for example through our Improved Cookstove Initiative in Rwanda.
We promote good governance within BB Energy and across our value chain to protect our business and drive sustainability.
Our ESG Governance is supervised by two key committees: the ESG Committee and the Compliance Committee. Both committees report directly to the Board, which serves as the highest decision-making authority within BB Energy.
Our Code of Conduct, as well as other policies and procedures set out our expectations for stakeholders across our value chain. We have zero tolerance of bribery, corruption, money laundering or modern slavery and maintain a Whistle Blowing hotline to allow stakeholders to report concerns.
In transporting hydrocarbon products, we prioritise safety and environmental standards. Our vetting procedures for third-party trucking fleets and chartered vessels encompass rigorous checks, including compliance with international regulations and pollution prevention measures.
Across our storage facilities, stringent Health & Safety Executive (HSE) policies are upheld, ensuring the safety of our workforce, customers, and the environment. Our assets boast cutting-edge designs, certified under international standards like ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. Third-party operators are vetted against our standards to ensure adherence to safety protocols.

Carbon Emissions
Scope 1
Scope 2
Scope 3
All information prepared by CarbonChain for FY 2023
Engaging with Stakeholders
Stakeholder engagement is critical to our approach to ESG and how we decide what issues are material. We are committed to fostering consistent, coordinated, and meaningful engagement that not only strengthens relationships but also drives continuous improvement across our operations and helps us understand the ESG issues that are most material to our business.